
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2024

#53 Ślepcy i słoń - ulubione fragmenty

 AWAKENING HYPOTHESIS Have you ever carefully investigated exactly what happens when you wake up in the morning? What is the very first conscious experience, in the first fraction of a second, before you even remember who you are and what you will do today? I have found that part of the phenomenology of waking from dreamless deep sleep is a primordial sense of confidence that perceptual states will very soon occur, that one is now “open to the world” and knows about one’s epistemic capacity, and also that one can (and very soon will) know where one is, what time it is, and so on. In a few milliseconds, one will also know who one is: Phenomenologically, the gradual transition from unconsciousness to the wake state is characterized by another subtle and intuitive presentiment, something that one might perhaps term a phenomenal “foreshadowing of selfhood.” This is an expectation not merely of knowledge, but of egoic self-knowledge—but before it actually manifests.  Waking up inv...

#52 Thomas Metinger: Nondual AI

Thomas Metzinger, The Elephant and the Blind: The Experience of Pure Consciousness Fragment rozdziału #27 Nondual Awareness ...Co ważne, struktura podmiot/przedmiot nie jest tylko rodzajem iluzji. To sposób na wewnętrzne modelowanie rzeczywistości, które okazało się bardzo wydajne dla biologicznych organizmów, jak my. Jest to, można powiedzieć, funkcjonalnie adekwatna forma samooszustwa. Istnieją dla niej ewolucyjne powody, które są często pomijane. Nawigujemy przez świat pod - jak je nazywam - "ograniczeniem pojedynczego ucieleśnienia". Wszystkie nasze sensory i efektory, i całe świadome przetwarzanie informacji są ściągnięte razem w jednym miejscu w przestrzeni; są one częścią pojedynczego ciała, posiadającego oczy i uszy, nogi i ramiona, i centralny układ nerwowy. Ciało to posiada statystyczną granicę ("otoczkę Markowa"), którą stara się utrzymać; ciało broni i precyzyjnie odtwarza tę granicę tak długo, jak samo istnieje. Na poziomie przyczynowym (causal level) n...

#50 Thomas Metzinger: Cognitive scotoma (for conscious suffering)

Narrative self-deception may also be a clever strategy for distracting attention from suffering. It allows you to feel better about yourself. From an evolutionary perspective, any self-conscious system that discovered too many negatively valenced moments—too many conscious experiences that it would rather not go through if it had a choice—might become paralyzed and stop procreating. Like a Buddhist nun or monk, it might refrain from adding new human beings to this world of impermanence and delusion because its own insight into the nature and ubiquity of suffering would have become too clear. Monks and nuns who obey the rule of celibacy are nobody’s ancestors: They do not copy their genes into the next generation, and therefore, they are side alleys and dead ends of biological evolution. The logic of psychological evolution clearly mandates concealment of the facts of impermanence and conscious suffering from any self-modeling system that is supposed to be an efficient copying device. A...